Field Trip!
Our first field trip of the year
was a success! We had so much fun at the Bluebonnet Swamp. Throughout the day
we visited 4 stations. Our first stop was a literacy station along the trail.
Here we read books about swamps and wrote our own swamp stories. The next stop was all about animals. The
students were able to see different animals such as turtles, snakes, spiders,
and birds. If they were really brave they were able to pet some of the snakes! Our third stop was a math station with Mrs. Garon. Here we estimated the
weight of 2 pumpkins and guessed the circumference of the largest pumpkin. Max
and Addy estimated perfectly! Our last station was art with Mrs. Cori. We used oil
pastels to illustrate the scenery around the swamp. We had both an educational
and fun filled day!