Friday, March 29, 2013

Hoppy Easter!

We had a wonderful week celebrating the Easter season! We read and discussed the Easter story and took part in many different arts and crafts activities. We began the week with an Easter egg hunt put on by the Chapel. On Tuesday, our advisory friends stopped by for a visit. They helped the students create the tomb where Jesus had risen made of donuts, graham crackers, marshmallows, and Oreos. They also made “Bunny Bait” to leave out for the Easter Bunny on Saturday night. We ended the week with our Easter party at Forest Park where the kids hunted for eggs, had a potato sack race, and competed in a balloon popping game.  We were blessed with beautiful weather, good times, and great memories.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Money Money Money!

We have FINALLY started our math unit on money! The students have been waiting for this chapter all year. We will be learning various ways to count and use money to be able to use it in everyday life. Here is a video of a song we learned to help us distinguish the coins from one another!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Leprechaun on the loose!

                Word has gotten out that Larry the Leprechaun is roaming the elementary halls causing mischief at PBS! He has been seen leaving his mark in the 1st grade classrooms, the cafeteria, and the bathrooms. Our goal this week is to create traps that can be used in catching the leprechaun. Green glitter and notes have been left as clues as to where he is. If you see him in the carpool line, please let us know!


Friday, March 1, 2013

Balance and Motion

We have just finished up our unit on balance and motion. The students learned different ways to keep an object in balance. We also did a lot of activities with motion. They took their small objects to the science lab and had to determine which objects will roll the easiest, and which ones will be harder to roll.